What is MRT Therapy? |
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a systematic treatment strategy that seeks to decrease recidivism among juvenile and adult criminal offenders by increasing moral reasoning.The program involves 12 progressive steps, each of which contains two or three individual exercises that are designed to change the participant’s belief systems and behaviors that led to involvement in the criminal justice system. The curriculum is delivered through a workbook to ensure continuity of material for each participant. |
Is MRT Evidence Based? |
Moral Reconation Therapy-MRT® is an evidence-based cognitive behavioral intervention developed 25 years ago. It is currently used in all 50 states and 7 countries, and consistently yields successful results with varying target populations. |
How does MRT work? |
The MRT curriculum is designed to confront attitudes and beliefs that lead to criminal behaviors. Denial, blaming, entitlement and defensiveness are common among those involved in the criminal justice system. MRT helps the participant recognize these attitudes and change their behaviors in a more pro-social direction. |
How long is MRT Therapy? |
A typical client will complete the program in 24-36 weekly sessions, with each session lasting 90 minutes. Total program length is approximately 4 months. |
What is the minimum and maximum number of clients who should participate in a group? We recommend 8-15 clients per group as an ideal size. A new group may start with as few as 3 participants. |
Can males and females attend the same group? We have found that separate groups for each gender provides a safer emotional environment in which to share the participant’s step work. However, accommodations can be made for mixed gender groups. |
Can someone join an MRT group at any time or are the groups offered only at specific intervals? MRT groups are open, which means a participant can join a group at any time. Group members are typically working at different levels, and members working on higher level steps are encouraged to assist those working on lower steps. |
Is MRT geared more toward those at higher risk for recidivism? MRT is appropriate for all risk levels. Generally clients who have moderate to high scores on criminal thinking and ideation are appropriate for MRT using How to Escape Your Prison as the primary workbook. For those at lower risk levels, Discovering Life and Liberty in the Pursuit of Happiness is recommended. |